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Debian Customised network install CD for Dell Poweredge 2?50's

I've created a customised Debian install CD, available at:

  http://ftp.heanet.ie/pub/heanet/woody-netinst-heanet-dell.iso (4.8M)

or you can use whichever permutation of:


suits you. It's got bcm5700 support on it, so a network install
will work just fine (on our 2650's anyways), I also built in
the Adaptec RAID controller drivers we need, which makes finding
devices to install to a lot easier on some of our 2650's, I've
also tested this on one of our 2550's and it's good there too. 

It's based on the bf2.4 set with these changes:
  weeded out bundles of 2.2.20 drivers.tgz and other
  unneccessary things
  weeded out drivers not needed for Dell 2?50's
  added the bcm5700 driver, built in the Adaptec RAID

For our own convienence, because we use it a lot, I've made 
syslinux use ttyS0 (COM1) as a console aswell, and added a 
"serial" boot option to progress with a serial console. I also 
built in IPv6  because we dual-stack as a policy, and like to catch 
it early in the installation phase.

Anyway, just dropping a line to people whom it might also prove
useful or intresting. 

I don't expect it to be useful on anything other than the hardware
it's aimed at (it should be enough to get most of these poweredges
installed), but it will make that platform a lot easier (it took
us jiggery-pokery and much floppy swapping).

Debian is working brilliantly everywhere we have it.

Colm MacCárthaigh

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