Re: Missing driver-4.bin file
On Tue, Jul 23, 2002 at 11:43:35AM -0300, Esteban Adrián Maríngolo wrote:
> I get the error message between the <snapshot> tags.
> I've tried with several mirror from diferent countries, but no one seems to
> satisfy this error.
> How could i add the file to the iso.tmp file? Just mounting and cp'ing it
> into the dir?
I just downloaded it manually from some mirror and then copied into the
current dir (or into tmp?). Then rerun jigdo, gave it the current dir to
search for packages (the rest was alread in the "temp image" or whatever its
called), and it was happy :-)
This only happend on i386, m68k and source had no problems at all.
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