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Re: jigdo progress info/random order of download

Richard Atterer posts vital info :

>> When Y reaches 0, you're done

Tnx for this info.  Is the decreasing value of Y always set to 10 as the
default, or can we change it ? 

Does the .deb files inside the  ~/tmp dir get truncated after it reaches
the 10  number count ?  The files  inside the temp dir  get flushed once
they are added to the iso.tmp file, right ??

>> If you don't like the large amount of wget status output, add "-nv" to
>> wgetOpts 

Can I continue an interrupted  jigdo-lite session ?  Will it resume from
the  previous one, after  I give  all default  values for  the questions
asked by jigdo-lite ?  I interrupted the session using ^C.

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