Re: Debian 3.0 released. Jigdo files available.
> Just in case any of you have been living in a cave, woody was released
> as stable at Sat 20 Jul, 00:00 GMT (or there abouts)
Weekend releases (with no chance to get the new files automatically) are
so great!
> If you have a desperate need for ISOs, and jigdo doesn't do it for you
> for some reason, I do have ISOs available which I may be persuaded to
> grant password controlled rsync access to on request, but you'll need a
> convincing reason why jigdo doesn't work for you.
That means the following from is not true?
"At the moment, the 3.0 rev0 CD images are only available via jigdo.
Normal HTTP/FTP downloads will be possible in a few days."
Or is it for the mirrors, who set up an rsync client to mirror the changes
automatically and are now sitting in the dark, don't know, how to get the
--------[ Free Software ISOs - ]-------
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