Re: Debian 3.0 released. Jigdo files available and for DVD?
On Jul 20, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> Le Sat, Jul 20, 2002 at 06:27:27PM +0100, Philip Hands écrivait:
> > While we're about it, who has a decent recipe for netboot CDs? Might as
> > well do the lot while we're about it, we can do a similar test until
> > success approach on them I would think.
> There are 2 kinds of netinst images. Smaller one (around 50mb) and
> bigger one (around 200mb).
> Should we provide both ?
> Anyway, I cced both persons who provide such images. They can provide
> you the details you need to generate the images.
While I haven't tested it, if you do the following it should work to
make my images:
- Check debian-cd out of CVS
- Untar on top of it debian-cd-hacks.tar.gz
- Edit to enable the jigdo stuff
- ./build_mine_hardcore {arch}
I'm not going to be able to build any images for the next four weeks
or so (the machine that has my mirror is literally unplugged, and I'm
just 500 miles away...), but if someone can produce working jigdo
files I'd be happy to host them.
P.S. No need to CC me on any followups - I'm subscribed to debian-cd.
Chris Lawrence <> -
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