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Re: how to create a cd with jigdo?

On Fri 19 Jul, Raúl santos wrote:
> hello,
> For creating an Debian official cd, what do I have to
> do with the jigdo files once I download them? I burn
> them like that or do I have to do something special to
> the files??

You need to install the 'jigdo' package (on Debian) or <some other form of
Jgdo> (on windows)

then run 
 jigdo-lite <name of jigdo file>
 jigdo-easy <name of jigdo file> (for Windows - I think - I've never used it)
for each jgdo file.

The first time it will ask you for the name of the debian (and debian-non-US)
server(s) you want to download the files from (on later runs it will default
to these same settings).

If things go OK (no missing files) then you end up with a finished iso image
to burn for each of these runs.

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