Re: /CD/vendors: What to do about DVD vendors
On Mon, Jul 08, 2002 at 08:35:21AM +1000, Craig Small wrote:
> So what are the likely DVDs that are going to be created? I think the
> first one would be
> - vendor DVD
> and then maybe
> - Official DVD
Sounds OK.
> Is it likely that what is stored on the DVD will be the same as what
> is stored on the CD or is it likely to be different. The difference
> is the first type is a option on an existing item, the second is a
> new item.
The DVDs contain the same packages as the CDs, so by your reasoning it
should be an option for existing items. Obviously it's possible that a
vendor stops selling CDs and only sells DVDs one day, but that's
probably not going to happen soon.
__ _
|_) /| Richard Atterer | CS student at the Technische | GnuPG key:
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