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Debian on DVD


I am a vendor of Debian CDs and now offer Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 pre on

Please change my entry in  "Vendors of Debian CDs" from this:

Vendor: LinISO					 
URL: http://www.liniso.de/
URL for Debian Page: http://www.liniso.de/shop.php
Allows Contribution to Debian: Yes 
Ship International: within Europe
email: info@liniso.de
CD Type: Official CD + non-US ; Development Snapshot
Architectures:i386 ; Sparc
Ship International: within Europe

to that:

Vendor: LinISO
URL: http://www.liniso.de/
URL for Debian Page: http://www.liniso.de/shop.php
Allows Contribution to Debian: Yes
Ship International: within Europe
email: info@liniso.de
CD Type: Official CD + non-US ; Development Snapshot; + DVD
Architectures:i386 ; Sparc; PPC; Sources
Ship International: within Europe

Thank you

Michael Golly		| http://www.liniso.de | GnuPG key:		
michael_golly@liniso.de | Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 | 5E182F41
Tel: 040/27 88 68 27	| Fax: 040/27 88 68 28 | Mobil: 0177/33 20 656

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