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Can't boot netinst nor others on g4



i have problems on booting any cd’s on my system g4/400pci…


hardware configuration is ok, in past I was able to boot potato-image, but installation of basesystem failed. Booting of os9 systemdisk was possible too, a hdd with os9 on it works fine, too. The next effect was not to be able of booting linux from cd, neither potato nor woody. Now the system doesn’t boot os9 too. Cd-drives are working and booting on pc’s, and working under os9. But they won’t boot, even if I press ‘c’ on startup


I’m new with Macintosh, but know there is a key-kombination for resetting or deleting the flash of the system, maybe this resolves the problem, as I put ofboot on it during installation of potato, but I don’t remember the kombination.


Could You please help me on getting the kombination or give me other hints?





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