Re: tools/boot/woody/boot-i386 : jigdo images too large !
OOOOhhhh, I hate it when I am wrong.
You are correct, I was looking at the output from df
and it lied to me, or rather I mis-understood what it said.
I always thought there were 333000 sectors of 2048 bytes,
or 681984000 bytes on a 650mb CD/ROM, so you are
correct, all the p(x) images are smaller than that.
So sorry, my mistake.
The problem I had, seems to be localized to the
specific CD/ROM drive I was using. While it will
mount pressed CD's it does not seem to like some
CD-R's. Specifically the ones I burned reciently,
using 80 minute CD-R's
I think the Creative 24x drive, manufactured in 1997,
is heading for the round file ;-)
Jim Westveer
On Wednesday 08 May 2002 02:15, you wrote:
> On Tue, 2002-05-07 at 19:35, Jim Westveer wrote:
> > We should make sure that our Official images are less
> > than 650 mb !!! The i386 CD #1 jigdo images from
> > cdimage.d.o are 663+mb .
> phil@open:/home/jigdo-area$ for i in 3.*/jigdo/i386/*1_NONUS.template ;
> do echo $i ; jigdo-file ls --template $i | tail -1 ; done
> 3.0-pre2/jigdo/i386/woody-i386-1_NONUS.template
> image-info 679313408 WYUizqGeR2dDNLR1fmGuCQ 4096
> 3.0-pre3/jigdo/i386/woody-i386-1_NONUS.template
> image-info 681082880 QG7haK6xa-gFHB6OMNyFyg 4096
> 3.0-pre4/jigdo/i386/woody-i386-1_NONUS.template
> image-info 680132608 ZfIQoaBwC9sLqQHmGeYvIw 4096
> So the biggest of the recent i386 1_NONUS CDs is 681082880.
> Now perhaps I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that a CD was:
> 650 * 1024 ^ 2 = 681574400
> You appear to be saying that a MB = 1000 * 1024:
> 650 * 1024 * 1000 = 665600000
> I'm pretty certain I've been managing to get more than that onto 650MB
> CDs for years, but maybe I've just had weird CD writers.
> Anyone know the definitive answer here?
> Cheers, Phil.
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