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Small report (re: isolinux test image, debian-cd changes available)


I tried the woody-i386-1.raw image, and although I have not performed
extensive testing yet, I have the following comments:

(note - I might better submit this as a bug report - however, I don't know
which package to report this for...)

First of all, it loads perfectly on my test machine (Celeron, i810, mostly
standard machine).

I tested first the 24bf image. I was surprised to see it uses a
framebuffer... Now... This can be good, but I don't understand why it is
using it - The display is MUCH slower than using the regular interface,
and it is still curses-based. What did we gain from framebuffer?

Second - I am installing it using the Spanish interface. When I get to
choose the filesystem type I will be using, the text is almost too wide to
be shown on screen... It fits, but it is noticeably too wide, because of
the description of the Ext3 line:

Ext3    : Siguiente generación de Ext2, un sistema de ficheros transaccional

Third - The translations for 'Found a Debian CD-ROM', 'Other bootable
partitions' and 'Securing LILO' screens seems not to have been found.

Fourth - After I select an option from 'Other bootable partitions', the
screen keeps its frame drawn on background, it does not get cleared with
the usual blue background.

Fifth - Upon reboot, the kernel loaded correctly, but when the second
part of the installer should have appeared, I got:

/usr/sbin/base-config: cat:: command not found

eight times, then:

INIT: Id "1" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes

Note that entering via a second tty, I was able to use the (minimal)
system - Cat was effectively installed.

Using the default 'idepci' install, I had (as expected) the same results
(of course, with the differences derived from the different kernels)
during the installation, however, the rest of the installation worked

I must go on working now... But well, this is my report. I hope it is

Gunnar Wolf - gwolf@campus.iztacala.unam.mx - (+52-55)5623-1118
PGP key 1024D/8BB527AF 2001-10-23
Fingerprint: 0C79 D2D1 2C4E 9CE4 5973  F800 D80E F35A 8BB5 27AF

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