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Re: base*.tgz is gone, and why it's gone


> > . Does it? What's the layout exactly?
> It should be so, Attila will confirm or infirm.
The filelist is in my previous message, although it is a fairly old CD set
(I will generate a new one next week, when I will have much more time).

> However Attila told me that he removed the woody-secured tree ...
> (probably because it confuses apt-cdrom ...)
Yes, but I don't think this should affect the installation method in any

Attila Nagy                                    e-mail:  Attila.Nagy@fsn.hu
Budapest Polytechnic (BMF.HU)                   @work: +361 210 1415 (194)
H-1084 Budapest, Tavaszmezo u. 15-17.           cell.: +3630 306 6758

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