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Downloading problems

Dear Sir,

This is my first atempt to get linux and i'm not very experienced with downloading packages such as the pseudo-image package. When I tried to use the package it wouldn't work. First a worning would apear on the screen saying "couldn't find /tmp, please create" and then nothing would happen. Then an error is entered into the log file saying "Error: Could not get your passwd entry!Reason: No such file or directory". I tried three different servers and the situation repeated each time. I also could not find anything about such cases in the pseudo-image FAQ nor the bug list.

Is there a way of downloading the images without the pseudo-image package, or could you please suggest some other website, where I could find instructions to use the pseudo-image (i have read the readme file).

I'm sorry for bothering you with such questions I wanted to get linux Debian so much i couldn't help myself.

Yours, Rox

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