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ftp/network install very confusing.

Hi, Here's a user report. Please take it in the spirit of which it is offered: appreciation for your efforts, and some advice on what I found lacking. Earlier I sent it to debian-boot, but I understand they're not responsible for the text ad cdimages.debian.org.

I'm a debian newbie, but not a linux newbie. In general I'm not a newbie with about twenty years of experience with unix, linux and pcs. I've installed Red Hat half a dozen times now. (And don't get me started on how many times I have to (re)install NT!) I would like to move to debian because I am apt, or hope to be soon.

Okay so I'm ignorant, but I'm not stupid. Given reasonable instructions, I can usually figure things out for myself. Now I gather that you would prefer I install debian from the network and not by first downloading iso cd images, and I want to honor that request, but cannot. To help me install from the net, you've provided the debian boot-floppy system. Well I got to tell you folks, you've tried hard, but you've certainly not made it easy to figure out how to do that. I'm reading through a 90 page installation manual now. The three page quick orientation guide is completely confusing.

In contrast in the background I have very easily located the iso images from kernel.org and am now downloading them.

My suggestion (and I know you have limited resources) is to set a newbie such as myself down in front of a pc and tell them to install debian from ftp and watch what they do.

Another point of contrast is to try the same task with SUSE. SUSE doesn't do ISO Intel images (I gather they feel it's too expensive in terms of bandwidth.) They do have a floppy/network install and to that end, they have on their site, rawrite, and four floppy images. And that's it.

Best of luck, and thanks for all your efforts.

Jerry Asher

Jerry Asher                       jerry@hollyjerry.org
1678 Shattuck Avenue Suite 161    Tel: (510) 549-2980
Berkeley, CA 94709                Fax: (877) 311-8688

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