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looking for reference, etc pseudo-image kit idea


I hope this is an appropriate question for this list, my apologies if it is

Please include me on replies as I am not a list subscriber.

I am looking for some reference or technical or academic discussion of the
idea behind the Debian CD image pseudoimage kit.  This idea - that a data
product is built on the fly from various distributed sources - is a good one
and has a wide application.  Right now, I would like to apply it to the
construction of Geospatial datasets.

Although I have seen it in various forms, particularly in the open software
movement, I have not seen a formal title or reference for it.   Undoubtedly
due to my ignorance - could someone point me in the right direction?

Rupert B.
* Rupert Brooks                  
* Map Generalisation Specialist
* GeoAccess Division CCRS               "I
* Natural Resources Canada               hate
* Room 650, 615 Booth St.                quotations."
* Ottawa, ON, K1A 0E9
* brooks@nrcan.gc.ca                   --R. W. Emerson
* http://www.nrcan.gc.ca/~rbrooks
* Vox: 613.992-7650
* Fax: 613.947-2410

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