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Re: signed MD5SUMS?

On Fri, May 04, 2001 at 07:39:35PM +0200, Debian User wrote:
> > Where does one find the signed MD5SUMS file then? I've looked a bit,
> > obviously not in the right place.
> > I did check cdimage.debian.org/cd-images/, and I'd expect the MD5SUMS
> > file in the same directory as the images and lists to be signed...
> > what am I missing?
> I just looked it up and the MD5SUMS (ASCII-files) were all in their right 
> places, for example for the i386-architecture under 
> http://cdimage.debian.org/cd-images/2.2_rev3/i386/.

Hmm, I guess I should have made it a bit clearer: I find those MD5SUMS
files, but they're not signed... I'd have expected them to be signed by
some developer's GPG key... Previous images' MD5SUMS file was signed by
Philip Hands <phil@hands.com>


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