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Re: "unimaging" cd images

> Aaron Walker wrote:
> Hello,
> I have my debian .iso images and I am wanting to "unimage" them
> and put them on my computer so that I can install debian on a
> computer over the LAN.  What program (for winblows since I don't
> have linux installed yet) can I use to "unimage" these ISO
> images?
> Thanks,
> Aaron
> P.S.  I am not subscribed to this mailing list, so it'd be much
> appreciated if you could cc all replies to this address.  thanks
> again.

mount them where they can be seen.
~ftp/pub/debian might be a good choice.

If you don't want to tie up your CDROM you can copy the
tree to a convenient place.

mkdir ~ftp/pub/debian
cp -a /cdrom/* ~ftp/pub/debian

At least that's what I remember doing the one
time I did it.

If you don't like ftp you can expose the images
using http (apache) instead.  Just copy to
/var/www/htdocs/debian  or where ever you like.
if it is not your server and you have the space.
   >@   (vagn(     /

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