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How to partial mirror with pools?

I've got a debian mirror here for ARM stuff only.

This let me generate CDs quite happily for 2.2.r0, but I've now updated to
2.2.r2 and started using rsync rather than apt-move (because apt-move is very
stupid about links and tried to download the same file into binary-arm and
binary-all, rather than leaving them linked).

I made up a nice set of rsync excludes to just get all the arm, all and
source stuff, but not all the stuff I didn't need - this took a while but
works fine apart from one significant thing:

an increasing number of things are now just links to /pool. Is there any
existing tool I can use to just download the pool bits I need to make arm and
source 2.2r3 CDs (or whatever?), or am I going to have to write some scripts
to search for broken links, then either rsync or ftp+create dirs? (for non-US
Igot got the whole lot as that only took 'ages', but this approach is not
practical for main.

I only have a 64K ISDN line so I can't just mirror the whole damn things, and
if I did I'd run into diskspace problems and have to become a symlink farmer
too, which is probably a load more aggravation.

Any suggestions for the best way to proceed?

When I wish to move to mirroring woody too, I can start fromthe CDs I have
here - but what is the best way to migrate the files I have on the CDs in the
usual dists/woody/main format into the right places in the pool? If I just
copy the CDs and rsync - rsync will simply throw away all the files that
should be in the pool and re-download them, which is a terrible waste of
phone bill and time.


Aleph One Ltd, Bottisham, CAMBRIDGE, CB5 9BA, UK  Tel (00 44) 1223 811679
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