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[sm@doc.ic.ac.uk: Re: Debian cd images]

Hello everyone,

I had been looking for potato sparc images last week, and saw sunsite.org.uk
listed on the mirror page (and supposedly as a complete mirror - it didn't
have 'i386 only' or something similar mentioned).
When I went to their site however it had only i386 images from 2.2r0.
So I sent them a message about this, and here's their answer. I suppose
someone around here would be better suited to answer their questions...

(On one question I can give a, rather egocentric, answer: sunsite.org.uk is
about the fastest mirror listed for me -and that's .be, not even .uk- so if
I had a choice I'd say go for full mirroring ;-)



----- Forwarded message from Stuart McRobert <sm@doc.ic.ac.uk> -----

To: mechanix@debian.org
Subject: Re: Debian cd images
Cc: wizards@doc.ic.ac.uk
From: Stuart McRobert <sm@doc.ic.ac.uk>
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 22:16:24 +0000


> Are you aware that the debian cd images on
> http://sunsite.org.uk/packages/debian-cd are rather out of date?

Yes, I've a note in the mirror script commenting that we were asked
to suspend mirroring of the cd area - so we did, its frozen in time.

Looking at the notes, I suspect over the years lots of things have changed
at both ends, e.g.  for a while you had master.debian.org as our mirror from
site, but that stopped, and various other changes.

Anyhow let's get things up to date

	where should we mirror from
	what would you like/not like mirrored
	prefered mirror software

Just for the record, we are a little short of disk space, but have plans
to solve this over the next few months.

Best wishes


----- End forwarded message -----

The reason we come up with new versions is not to fix bugs. It's the
stupidest reason to buy a new version I ever heard.
	-- Bill Gates

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