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Re: another way debian-cd is broken now

On Wed, 6 Sep 2000, Joey Hess wrote:

> This has changed. The Filename field now dereferences the symlink, so it
> points to the actual file in binary-all.

This change was primarily intended to help users understand cryptic
download failure messages due to dangling links and in-progress mirrors.

You will also notice that the filenames no longer have stable/unstable in
them, this is to make moving dists onto the archive server easier.

The order of some of the fields within each record has been updated to
reflect the ordering that dpkg uses, dpkg-scanpackages is badly out of
date. Most notably this means that installed-size and source moves up and
gets capitalized.

The package file is no longer sorted by name - this is a performance

The error in the filename field was an absent minded mistake - but
anything that broke because of that should be double checked to ensure
that it is doing case insensitive compares on the tag names.

Having debian-cd break because of any of these is unfortunate and
unexpected, having this happen right in the middle of your deadline is
really bad chance. :<

> Now I'm wondering what else this ill-advised modification of stable
> after it was released has broken. Debian-cd makes some really dumb

Well, stable does have to get new package files as point releases are
generated. Right now there are no point releases on the horizon so it
seemed like a safe time to begin testing this new code and find the

So far, I don't know of anything else that broke..

> assumptions about the archive, IMHO. 

Yes :<


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