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Re: Two more corrupt .debs found from 2.2_rev0 images

"J.A. Bezemer" <costar@panic.et.tudelft.nl> writes:

> In fact, I've just corrected my private copy of the Bin-2 image (how I love
> mc(1)! Offset 0x148554de), the new md5sum of the image is:
> be04cd6d17159d66978ad227b26ed17d  binary-i386-2.iso
> Time to fix: <10 min, most of that used by cp and md5sum, with the guarantee
> of not introducing new bugs. I can easily do it on cdimage.d.o, too, if it's
> up again.

It is up again, and would have been staying up (since I replaced all
the hardware on it last night) if it wasn't for the fact that I
managed to break the ipchains (I failed to spot that one of the lines
listed eth1 rather than eth0, and re-enabled it) so it's now up, but
not talking to anyone :-/

I quite like this idea -- the only problem is that we don't know if
there are bit errors outside the package files (i.e. in the files
generated during the debian-cd run).

Given that it's a single bit error, it will rsync quickly.

So. Are we going to simply mention the two md5sums in the release
notes, with the fix if you happen to have the one with a bit error?

Does anyone have any fundamental objections to this?

I'm a bit uncomfortable about having two versions of the same thing
around, but given that it's a simple data error, it seems reasonable
to allow people to fix it if they realise there's a problem, and it's
not too serious if they don't realise, because there's an easy to

Cheers, Phil.

P.S. open should be talking to us again in about an hour (10:30ish
GMT) at which point I'll be installing a new kernel (to support the
new IDE chipset properly), and then it should be up for the long term.

BTW It's now an Athlon 650, with 384MB RAM, and a new 20GB 7200rpm
UDMA66 drive replacing the two oldest drives, so the only original
hardware is the 30GB & 37GB HDDs, and the video card -- That should
have got rid of whatever was giving us grief, with a bit of luck.

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