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apt-cdrom - with yacs-0.3 generated disks

apt-cdrom - with yacs-0.3 generated disks.

Just a short note about installing yacs generated potato disks.

apt 0.3.11 (in archive today) has apt-cdrom.  apt-cdrom will
automajically install into your sources.list, entries for 
a CD/ROM.  If you only have ONE CDROM, this method works 
as well as mounting the cdrom, and specifying a 'deb file:'
entry in sources list.  

that the wrong disk is inserted in the drive. This is a known
problem that has been corrected in apt 


If you use apt- AND multiple CD/ROMS that were
created with yacs-0.3 ... apt will prompt you to change
disks durring the installation process. ... it aint pretty
but it works.

The process is to insert each CD, run 'apt-cdrom add', then:
unmount /cdrom, then:
run apt-cdrom add (for subsiquent disks), then:
unmount /cdrom
After ALL of your disks have been added to sources list, one
can use dselect.  

My 'not pretty' comment is to the combersome way one has to 
setup the sources list with apt-cdrom.  It might be easier
if apt-cdrom (after reading the first CD) would ask if one
has additional CD's to be recognized.  I am just thinking of the
poor neophyte, who has a PC and a pile of CD's, and no clues....;)

// just my thoughts for today, tomorrow they will change....

Jim Westveer <jwest@netnw.com>

I get to work, flip the excuse page over:
"Put aluminum foil on your windows, that should fix it.."
Fair enough, looks like it's gointo be a good day. 
E-Mail: Jim Westveer <jwest@netnw.com>
phone   425-392-0141
fax     425-557-0660                  Date: 06-Aug-99
URL     lcs.issaquah.wa.us            Time: 10:11:18
Key fingerprint = DC 49 E8 7E 76 DD 30 2D 8D F1 B4 D8 A3 60 4C 04

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