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Re: building slink images

On Thu, 1 Apr 1999, Steve McIntyre wrote:

> On Thu, 1 Apr 1999, Igor Krpanic wrote:
> >I am trying to build custom slink i386 images, but I have no success so
> >far.  I have mirrored slink directory and non-us section and downloaded
> >slink_cd 1.12, and I am stuck. I read README but I still dont know what
> >steps in what order should to do, so if somebody know please help me. 
> Check the list of steps sun in the "arch" script - that should create the
> standard images and is a reasonable guide as to what you need to do...
I found that I have to be able to create the standard trees first and
only then do some butchering of the scripts to produce custom CDs.  I burn
discs using a mkhybrid | cdwrite pipe; not enough HD space for images.
This turned out to be rather handy.

I produce two custom i386 disc sets as well as the standard set.

I add bits to the end of "arch" to add file-systems to the tree.

Modify slinkX.list files to get various parts of the distribution onto the
discs I want.

Add separate file-systems at burn time using features of mkhybrid.  (man
mkhybrid).  I have to do this anyway as source is on two other partitions.

I am experimenting with adding non Debian file-systems to the tree at line
1136 and following in slink_cd (version 1.13).  I hope this works out as
this would enable the creation of the md5sums for these files.

I also modify the slinkX.info files and .mkisofrc so that people realise
that these are custom discs and not the standard ones.  (Don't worry
Steve, I take the blame for these).

Hope this helps.


Philip Charles; 39a Paterson St., Abbotsford, New Zealand; +64 3 4882818
For Debian GNU/Linux CDs see http://crash.ihug.co.nz/~philipc

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