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RE: Slink_cd dependency checking is broken

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Johnie Ingram [mailto:johnie@netgod.net]
> Sent: Monday, March 08, 1999 5:10 PM
> To: debian-cd@lists.debian.org
> Now that slink is stable, slink-cd no longer creates valid CDs (no
> debs are actually hardlinked into place).  It seems the "make tree"
> ("cp -dpRPl $file $TDIR/slink$i" on line 609) fails for each file.

Bummer, my last nights run went without error, but I guess
I will have to wait for rsync to complete to see if todays
run worked.  Did'nt the hard link change happen last week???

> And is it me, or is whiptail still on disc 2?  :-)

Whiptail is in base2.1.tar.gz, and is allready loaded
by the time of the first boot.

Jim Westveer <jwest@netnw.com>

The software required Win95 or better, 
so I installed Linux.
Jim Westveer ------------- jwest@netnw.com 
phone -------------------- 425-392-0141

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