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Re: RFD: Debian advertising in LJ, elsewhere

I don't actually make any money with my enterprise (yet), so costs are
important, however, I am interested.


On Sat, 22 May 1999, Chris Lawrence wrote:

> On May 22, Philip Charles wrote:
> > Two comments.  Cost per vendor?
> Obviously inversely proportional to the number of vendors who wish to
> take part :-)  Beyond that, I can't say (we'd need a quote from Linux
> Journal; also, if there are any Linux mags outside the US it would
> probably be good to run the same ad there).
> > 		As far as I am concerned it would need to have a strong
> > international flavour.
> Agreed.  Perhaps the listing could be grouped by geographic region or
> something, maybe with little icons for various things with each
> listing (i.e. the Motorola "M" logo for people that sell m68k CDs, "$"
> for distributors who donate to Debian, etc.).
> Of course, if it only runs in LJ it may not be worthwhile for vendors
> in non-Anglophone countries to participate (though, of course,
> anyone's welcome)!
> Chris
> -- 
> =============================================================================
> |        Chris Lawrence       |  You have a computer.  Do you have Linux?   |
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> |   Grad Student, Pol. Sci.   |   Visit the Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5:    |
> |  University of Mississippi  |   <*> http://www.midwinter.com/lurk/ <*>    |
> =============================================================================
> --  
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Philip Charles; 39a Paterson St., Abbotsford, New Zealand; +64 3 4882818
I sell Debian GNU/Linux CDs.   See http://www.copyleft.co.nz

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