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Re: Bittorrent distribution of cdimages

On Sun, 6 Oct 2002, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:

> With bittorrent you have to have a running tracker. You also need
> clients connected to the tracker that feed the data. That means each
> mirror would have to run a bittorrent client on their local image.

does every mirror run a tracker ? or does each project run a tracker ?
or both ?

e.g do i run a tracker for just debian cd files ? or does someone in the
debian project run a 'debian wide' tracker with pointers to mirrors?

or can i as a mirror run a tracker for all the different files i'd
like to make available, not just within the debian cd archive ?

and can you outline how i run a BT client on local images given that:

o there are multiple releases
o there are multiple architectures within each release
o there are multiple images within each architecture

> Doogie was thinking about extending bittorrent to also download files
> via http so normal http mirrors could be utilized too. Don't think
> that will be ready for sarge though.

i'm not sure what this means exactly so some elaboration would be cool.

> I don't think it would be too hard to get a group to mirror the debian
> CD images with bittorrent to their servers and leave the clients
> running for the first weak or so till the big rush is over. If Debian
> says they will only do jidgo and bittorrent the first week that should
> give enough incentive.

mirrors are based on the concept of really long lasting presence.. i.e
more than just a week or so.  as a mirror i'm happy to contribute to this
new fangled 'bittorrent' system but so far there has been close to zero
documentation or examples i can find that allows me to use it in a 'server'
context as opposed to just a client.



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