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Re: Bug#815231: cmake: FTBFS on kfreebsd, hurd: 2 tests fail: BuildDepends, RunCMake.Configure


I set up a UFS filesystem to build on, but could not reproduce the bug.

Please could someone try the attached diff?  If it fails, please share
the exact error (does it fail at the -build1 step or at -build2?), and
because the `ls` I added will show the file timestamps, to help debug.

This is how I'm invoking the test on its own (10 times) :

$ m=0 ; n=0 ; for i in $(seq 1 10) ; do Build/bin/cmake "-DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=Tests/RunCMake" "-DRunCMake_GENERATOR=Unix Makefiles" "-DRunCMake_GENERATOR_PLATFORM=" "-DRunCMake_GENERATOR_TOOLSET=" "-DRunCMake_MAKE_PROGRAM=/usr/bin/make" "-DRunCMake_SOURCE_DIR=$(pwd)/Tests/RunCMake/Configure" "-DRunCMake_BINARY_DIR=$(pwd)/Build/Tests/RunCMake/Configure" "-P" "Tests/RunCMake/Configure/RunCMakeTest.cmake" && m=$((m+1)) ; n=$((n+1)) ; echo "PASSED $m/$n of iterations" ; done 2>&1 | tee test.log

Steven Chamberlain
--- a/Tests/RunCMake/Configure/RunCMakeTest.cmake
+++ b/Tests/RunCMake/Configure/RunCMakeTest.cmake
@@ -16,9 +16,10 @@
 file(WRITE "${input}" "1")
 file(WRITE "${depend}" "1")
-execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E sleep 1) # handle 1s resolution
 file(WRITE "${input}" "2")
+execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E env bash -c "ls -altr --full-time ${RunCMake_TEST_BINARY_DIR}")
 run_cmake_command(RerunCMake-build1 ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build .)
+execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E sleep 1) # handle 1s resolution
 file(WRITE "${depend}" "2")
 run_cmake_command(RerunCMake-build2 ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build .)

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