Re: Bug#699704: partman: Please don't load_extra on non-Linux
Control: tags -1 + patch
Attached is the patch I'd like to go with, but I have *not* tested it
yet in its current form...
`archdetect` is already available as a dependency of partman-base. It
can't detect GNU/Hurd yet, but that's not a release arch yet either.
I've written the test to be 'fail-safe' and abort the installation of
these packages *only* if detecting GNU/kFreeBSD or GNU/Hurd; if unsure
it will proceed as before.
Steven Chamberlain
diff --git a/partman b/partman
index c993b94..cb6597a 100755
--- a/partman
+++ b/partman
@@ -15,6 +15,14 @@ abort () {
load_extra () {
local auto memreq_lvm memreq_crypto
+ # These packages currently are of no use on GNU/kFreeBSD or GNU/Hurd,
+ # but do waste lots of space, so skip installing them here
+ case "$(archdetect)" in
+ kfreebsd-*|hurd-*)
+ return 0
+ ;;
+ esac
if [ -f /var/lib/partman/loaded-extra ]; then
return 0
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