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Re: UFS performance oddities

On 07/09/12 13:23, Steven Chamberlain wrote:
> Plain UFS could be expected to be slow.  Because it is unjournalled, I
> think metadata updates are forced to be synchronous.

On my amd64 box, plain UFS goes like greased lightning --- I was very
impressed. That's a much more modern hard drive, though (a spinning once).

> The `camcontrol identify ada0` command should show the status of a
> disk's write cache (and sysctl hw.ata.wc must also be 1).  I think it
> will be 'on', but the sync updates of metadata might mean it is flushed
> regularly.

Apparently the eee SSD is pants:

device model          SILICONMOTION SM223AC
Feature                      Support  Enabled   Value           Vendor
read ahead                     no	no
write cache                    no	no
flush cache                    no	no
overlap                        no
Tagged Command Queuing (TCQ)   no	no
Native Command Queuing (NCQ)   no
SMART                          yes	yes
microcode download             no	no
security                       no	no
power management               yes	no
advanced power management      yes	no	0/0x00
automatic acoustic management  no	no
media status notification      no	no
power-up in Standby            no	no
write-read-verify              no	no
unload                         no	no
free-fall                      no	no
data set management (TRIM)     no

It's a native SATA SSD with no TRIM! *cringe*

Turning softupdates on made the problem go away entirely; thanks. I had
previously wondered about this, but my last experience with softupdates
was on OpenBSD and that enables it via a mount option --- I didn't think
to look at tunefs...

$ time mkdir {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
real	0m2.321s

$ time rmdir {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
real	0m0.467s

Actually turning it on was an exercise in frustration, as you don't seem
to be able to use tunefs on a mounted file system and of course this was
my root partition... eventually I had to use a FreeBSD live USB image
and boot from that. Given what a vast difference it makes (more or less
the difference between a usable system and an unusable one, on the eee)
I would certainly suggest enabling it by default. Is there any reason
*not* to want softupdates?

I notice that my partitions do seem to be unaligned, but I don't recall
now whether I let the installer repartition my disk or not. As I don't
have TRIM anyway it's probably not important now.

> ZFS should of course be unaffected by the above issue, and be the
> best-performing choice of filesystem here.

Is ZFS viable on a 32-bit system? The FreeBSD wiki page on it (which,
being a wiki, is of course out of date, unrepresentative and probably
wrong) claims that these system is still prone to running out of memory
and panicking.

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