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Re: Installation problems

On 19/08/12 12:13, Steven Chamberlain wrote:
> Although I think it might be better to use the slightly larger 'netinst'
> image, and fetch it via jigdo (so your caching proxy can cache the
> individual deb/udeb files it builds the ISO from) :
> http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/daily-builds/daily/arch-latest/kfreebsd-amd64/jigdo-cd/

I tried this (as of a week or so ago when I downloaded it); the
installation worked, but installing grub failed in exactly the same way
as before.

Just to clarify: I have a ufs partition in a DOS extended partition, and
I want to install the grub boot loader into the extended partition's
boot sector. Is anyone else using this setup?

I have managed to get it to boot by using my existing Linux's grub
installation, using a custom.cfg file as follows:

menuentry "Debian/kFreeBSD" {
	insmod ufs2
	set root='(hd0,msdos6)'
	set kFreeBSD.vfs.root.mountfrom=ufs:ufs/kFreeBSD
	kfreebsd /boot/kfreebsd-9.0-2-amd64.gz

It would be nice if Debian's grub could automagically detect kFreeBSD

Once booted, I have to say it's extremely pleasant to use and seems
exceedingly slick. Installing X Just Worked and ufs2 feels like greased
lightning --- and this is with the default options; I hear I should be
turning softupdates on?

If only it had Chrome and OpenJDK; I could actually *use* it for real

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