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Berkeley Packet Filter

When trying to make wireless work on my eee 701, trying to ifup the
interface produces:

ifconfig: ioctl (SIOCAIFADDR): Invalid argument
Can't attach interface ath0 to bpf device /dev/bpf0: No such device or
Failed to bring up ath0.

/dev/bpf0 is present but doesn't appear as if there's a device connected
to it, and the config file in /boot/config-9.0-2-686 does not have a
'device bpf' entry. Apparently stock FreeBSD has this.

I can't find an applicable module that seems to contain the bpf code; is
this an omission, or does kFreeBSD do this differently? If so, what
should I be doing here?

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│ --- Conway's Game Of Life, in one line of APL

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