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Re: Re: [Pkg-utopia-maintainers] Bug#570015: consolekit: ck-collect-session-info coredumps on kFreeBSD

On Oct 27, Michael Dorrington wrote:
> I am not getting these coredump messages in the logs or corefiles in the
> root directory on an up to date kfreebsd-i386 (or kfreebsd-amd64)
> system, which uses consolekit 0.4.1-4. Justin, could you please retest.

I could have if I'd been CCed, but by the time I spotted this message
in the BTS my kFreeBSD testbed had been recycled as a Linux desktop.
I now have a new Debian GNU/* dual-boot machine, so I can confirm:

 jbr@xan:~$ dpkg-query -W consolekit; ls -l /c*; dmesg | tail -1
 consolekit      0.4.3-2
 -rw------- 1 root root 3997696 Feb 15 16:05 /ck-collect-session-.core
 pid 709 (ck-collect-session-), uid 0: exited on signal 11 (core dumped)

It would be much easier for users to answer questions about whether
consolekit is working properly if only somebody would follow Debian
Policy and WTFM... but here's the output of ck-list-sessions:

        unix-user = '1005'
        realname = 'Justin B Rye'
        seat = 'Seat1'
        session-type = ''
        active = TRUE
        x11-display = ''
        x11-display-device = ''
        display-device = '/dev/ttyv0'
        remote-host-name = ''
        is-local = TRUE
        on-since = '2011-02-15T16:50:36.000119Z'
        login-session-id = ''
        unix-user = '1005'
        realname = 'Justin B Rye'
        seat = 'Seat2'
        session-type = ''
        active = FALSE
        x11-display = ''
        x11-display-device = ''
        display-device = '/dev/ssh'
        remote-host-name = 'hurakan.xibalba'
        is-local = FALSE
        on-since = '2011-02-15T16:05:47.999457Z'
        login-session-id = ''

Ankh kak! (Ancient Egyptian blessing)

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