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Re: An obvious question.

Why doesn't the debian-kfreebsd team offer a linux emulation layer to freebsd or any of the other bsd projects?

Because GNU/kFreeBSD does not use linux emulation layer, with the exception of /proc filesystem.

From http://wiki.debian.org/Debian_GNU/kFreeBSD_FAQ:

Q: Which syscall kernel interface is used by binaries compiled for Debian GNU/kFreeBSD?

A: The native FreeBSD one.

Q: Is it possible to run FreeBSD binaries under Debian GNU/kFreeBSD kernel?

A: Yes, please just use the full chroot with FreeBSD libraries.

Q: Is it possible to run Linux binaries under Debian GNU/kFreeBSD kernel?

A: Only as long as standard FreeBSD Linux Compatibility Layer is sufficient. Some symlinks might be missing. The basic linux-i386 chroot of etch and lenny under kfreebsd-amd64 and kfreebsd-i386 works. The FreeBSD Linux Compatibility Layer claims it supports up to 2.6.16 syscalls. Please note that squeeze supports only 2.6.18 and above Linux kernels.

A start to dig deeper and test the limits (like #571523) is:

debootstrap --foreign --arch=i386 etch ./linux-chroot http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian

On the other hand, there are some submissions from GNU/kFreeBSD porters:



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