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Re: [LCFC] templates://freebsd-utils/{kbdcontrol.templates,module-init-tools.te mplates}

On Thursday 30 April 2009 08:37:38 Christian Perrier wrote:
> This is the last call for comments for the review of debconf
> templates for freebsd-utils.
> The reviewed templates will be sent on Saturday, May 02, 2009 to the
> package maintainer as a bug report and a mail will be sent to this list
> with "[BTS]" as a subject tag.

Package: kbdcontrol
Architecture: kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, debconf
Description: command-line tool to change FreeBSD keyboard layout
 This package provides the original FreeBSD command to set keyboard layout and 
the FreeBSD possible

The part "and the FreeBSD possible keyboards" is (to me) somewhat confusing. 
Justin's patch from 2009-04-20 says "plus the possible FreeBSD keyboards.", 
which seems to mean different thing. What actually is "FreeBSD possible 
keyboard"? A keyboard which can be used with FreeBSD? A keyboard specially 
designed for FreeBSD?" Keyboard model? Keyboard rules?

Package: net-tools
Section: net
Priority: important
Architecture: kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Replaces: freebsd-utils (<< 5.4), freebsd-hackedutils (<= 6.1-1)
Description: FreeBSD networking tools
 This package provides  the FreeBSD tools needed to manage networking on

This template has a double space after the word "provides"

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