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Re: inconsistence in subsecond timestamp resolution handling

Aurelien Jarno dixit:

>> Can someone test whether the similar results are also on plain FreeBSD
>> and other BSDs ?
>I have just tried on plain FreeBSD, but I haven't found a way to print
>the time with full resolution with the default userspace tools. I guess
>the best is to write a small C code, but I don't have time currently.

I just did that:
* http://article.gmane.org/gmane.os.miros.cvs/18826
* http://www.mirbsd.org/cvs.cgi/src/usr.bin/stat/

>I should have more time next week to give a closer a look, and to try on
>other BSDs.

After the aforementioned hack, I get this:

tg@odem:~ $ touch k0;  echo > k1; touch k2; echo > k3; touch k4;  echo > k5
tg@odem:~ $ stat -f '%N: %c.%09Lc %m.%09Lm %a.%09La' k?
k0: 1215696865.966840000 1215696865.966840000 1215696865.966840000
k1: 1215696865.966840000 1215696865.966840000 1215696865.966840000
k2: 1215696865.966840000 1215696865.966840000 1215696865.966840000
k3: 1215696865.966840000 1215696865.966840000 1215696865.966840000
k4: 1215696865.976840000 1215696865.976840000 1215696865.976840000
k5: 1215696865.976840000 1215696865.976840000 1215696865.976840000
tg@odem:~ $ uname -a
MirBSD odem.66h.42h.de 10 Kv#10uA0-20080708 GENERIC#1117 i386

This probably means OpenBSD isn't affected either.

13:22⎜«neurodamage» mira, what's up man? I have a CVS question for you in #cvs
13:22⎜«neurodamage» since you're so good with it ☺
13:28⎜«neurodamage:#cvs» i love you
13:28⎜«neurodamage:#cvs» you're a handy guy to have around for systems stuff ☺

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