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Self-hosting Debian NetBSD system available

I now have a self-hosting Debian NetBSD system. The patch to sysvinit
seems to have worked wonderfully, though several boot scripts are not
entirely happy due to commands having different semantics. Networking
isn't automatically set up yet (the ifupdown source is distributed in some
weird format allowing the documentation and code to be distributed
together, as far as I can tell. This would be fine except the package to
untangle it requires tetex amongst other things. I'll take a look at this
now), and it doesn't launch any gettys, but I do now have ssh running and
can log in remotely.

Fakeroot is compiled, but fails its test suite

../scripts/fakeroot -f /tmp/fakeroot-0.4.5/faked -l
/tmp/fakeroot-0.4.5/.libs/libfakeroot.so.0 -- "touch tmp/foo; install
tmp/foo tmp/bar; ls -al tmp/bar" | grep "root.*root.*tmp/bar"
dlsym(open): Undefined symbol "open"
dlsym(fopen): Undefined symbol "fopen"
dlsym(freopen): Undefined symbol "freopen"
dlsym(freopen): Undefined symbol "freopen"
dlsym(lstat): Undefined symbol "lstat"
dlsym(stat): Undefined symbol "stat"
dlsym(fstat): Undefined symbol "fstat"
dlsym(mknod): Undefined symbol "mknod"
dlsym(chown): Undefined symbol "chown"
dlsym(lchown): Undefined symbol "lchown"
dlsym(fchown): Undefined symbol "fchown"
dlsym(chmod): Undefined symbol "chmod"
dlsym(fchmod): Undefined symbol "fchmod"
dlsym(mkdir): Undefined symbol "mkdir"
dlsym(unlink): Undefined symbol "unlink"
dlsym(rmdir): Undefined symbol "rmdir"
dlsym(remove): Undefined symbol "remove"
dlsym(rename): Undefined symbol "rename"
dlsym(getuid): Undefined symbol "getuid"
dlsym(getgid): Undefined symbol "getgid"
dlsym(geteuid): Undefined symbol "geteuid"
dlsym(getegid): Undefined symbol "getegid"
../scripts/fakeroot: line 85: 27418 Segmentation fault      (core
-c "$*"
make: *** [4] Error 1
make: Leaving directory `/tmp/fakeroot-0.4.5/test'

and running it gives me a shell but claims that I'm still me. I'll look
into this.

Although it's less useful without fakeroot running, I can provide access
to this system now for anybody who's interested in developing on it.

Matthew Garrett | mjg59@srcf.ucam.org

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