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Re: Re: Debian BSD.. cool idea

>	There are many other reasons to prefer the GNU tools both
>technical and political. But that is completely NOT the point. The point
>is that *I* want the GNU tools  because *I* think that they are better.
>So why can't I have them and the Debian package system and the FreeBSD
>kernel? Isn't that what freedoms all about? The freedom to choose.

Considering they are *only* packages there is nothing preventing someone
from making packages containing the bsd tools instead of the gnu ones.  

Besides, citing that cp file1 file2 -R only works in gnu is not much of a
datapoint.  Last time I tried gnu du it didnt take a -d for depth, only
--max-depth or something else similar.  Both could be patched to
work indistinguishably regarding these slight differences.  Neither
instance provides a distinct advantage over the other, simply a difference
in convention.  They both *work*.

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