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Bug#1072526: netcfg removes DHCP ipv6 addresses after configuration finishes

Package: netcfg
Version: 1.187

When netcfg is finished configuring the interface, it will call kill_dhcp_client() (from netcfg_activate_dhcp()), which will send SIGTERM and then SIGKILL to dhcp6c. When dhcp6c gets a SIGTERM, it will send a DHCP6 Release message and remove the IP from the interface, which means that the installer will have no (public) IP anymore, and installation from network will fail.

This happens both in an IPv6-only and in a dual-stack configuration (though in a dual-stack configuration there still will be an IPv4 address, which means the installation will probably succeed).

A possible workaround is to switch to another console with Alt+F3 after the DHCP6 configuration was done but before netcfg finishes and kill the dhcp6c process with -9 (to prevent it from releasing the IP).

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