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Grub 2

I try to compile a 64bits kernel on my debian 12 32bits (with a luks2 partition on all the disk) and it not going well. My computer had a boot problem first (when i was booting on the 64bit kernel) :
1) problem on the screen
2) problem for the luks 2 (password recognise)
3) swap not good

So touch my fstab, and then my computer refuse to boot at all (grub rescue and all) :
1) Try to actived the normal mod (not such file)
2) Try to reinstall the grub in 32 and 64 bit (change but no recognised password)
3) Try to actived the os prober (same issue, see the 2))

Now im stock the bootrepair, say that to me :
"Please enable a repository containing the [linux-generic] packages in the software sources of Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) (/dev/mapper/Albert--vg-root). Then try again"
 and that too :
"Please enable a repository containing the [grub2] packages in the software sources of Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) (/dev/mapper/Albert--vg-root). Then try again."

Im stuck here for now, how do i actived this repository on boot repair - Linuxmint 21.2 Victoria?

Thank you

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