Bug#433568: VLAN support within D-I
Hello dear Debian maintainers,
I can confirm that the 2020 patch from Carsten Schoenert still applies
to d-i/netcfg releases 1.187 and 1.188, and result in a debian installer
that knows about VLANs and can be fully automated with a preseed config
like the following:
d-i netcfg/enable boolean true
d-i netcfg/use_vlan boolean true
d-i netcfg/vlan_id string 1001
d-i netcfg/choose_interface select ens3f0np0
We would be interested in helping push the patch upstream so that other
users can enjoy this without having to build and make their own initrd,
how can we help?
Lucas Bonnet
Bearstech - http://bearstech.com
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