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Bug#1059370: Installation did not work: Kernel panic, see below

Le 26/12/2023 à 20:35, Christian Kirsch wrote:
Thank you for your feedback.
I can probably support the assumption about Grub: I have installed
another partition with Ubuntu. Ubuntu recognizes the Debian partition
and updates the grub correctly. Debian can now be started from there.
This would mean that there is an error in the Debian iso file for the
grub management in the EFI-Partition.

Basically, the Debian installer just installs required grub packages and runs grub-install and update-grub in the target system environment so if GRUB loads and displays the menu, it is unlikely that the installer did something wrong.

After booting into Debian through Ubuntu's GRUB menu, you can try to re-run these commands and reboot with Debian GRUB. If it does not fix the error, then the issue probably lies in GRUB itself and the bug may be reassigned to grub2.

Am Sonntag, dem 24.12.2023 um 00:28 +0100 schrieb Pascal Hambourg:
On 23/12/2023 at 20:52, Christian Kirsch wrote:

When booting (first item), message on Debian screen:
erschöpft" ("Memory exhausted").

It matches the German translation for "out of memory" in GRUB.

Then start in a black terminal screen with Kernel panic: "Kernel
- not syncing: VHS Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)"

It looks like a consequence of GRUB failure to load the initramfs

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