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Bug#684128: src:debian-installer: allow use of binary units in disk partitioner

Thorsten Glaser <tg@debian.org> wrote (Tue, 25 Jul 2023 20:15:04 +0000 (UTC)):
> why is this bug still unfixed?
> In bookworm d-i, entering 512 MiB seems to be using something
> entirely different, and 512 Mi gives an error “invalid size”.
> This still makes d-i unsuitable for most partitioning.

With a 12.0 netinst image, creating a new partition with a size of 512 MiB
results in a parition of 536 MB, creating a partiton of 10 GiB results in
a partition of 10,7 GB.
So I guess it works as it should.

The (visual) output is still in MB / GB, apart from this a see no issue.


Holger Wansing <hwansing@mailbox.org>
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