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Issues activated on the debian-installer project on salsa


Since I haven't been able to find a reliable pad system over the last
few years, and since I don't quite like having pending issues in my head
or on local notes (only), I've followed zeha's nice suggestion, and
turned on issues on the debian-installer project. Then stashed the few
things that came up on IRC during the last few days:

Of course, the goal isn't to replace the Debian BTS. I intend to use
these issues to keep track of todolist-oriented things, like the things
we'd like to do before 12.0, but that could be used to keep track of
fixes we'd like to get into point releases:

Feel free to add points to those lists, maybe mentioning the reasoning
in comments if you feel the added points are not self-explanatory

Cyril Brulebois (kibi@debian.org)            <https://debamax.com/>
D-I release manager -- Release team member -- Freelance Consultant

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