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Bug#1033630: debian-installer: should fstab swap entries use "sw" as option?


Just for the records and those who stumble over this and are interested
in the outcome.

upstream clarified fstab syntax in:

- whether the 4th field is mandatory is now in kind of a limbo... the
  manpage says it's not for mount(8)/swapon(8) but implies that it
  might be needed for other parsers
- it's further clarified what "defaults" actually means and that the
  previously given "rw, suid, dev, exec, auto, nouser, and async" is 
  just the typical meaning for many filesystems.

So my conclusion from that would be that the cosmetically proper swap
entry would be any of:

  <swap-device/file> none swap defaults 0 0
  <swap-device/file> none swap defaults
  <swap-device/file> none swap

(from which I'd think the first one is the one that most people will
likely find familiar)

unlike Debian's:

  <swap-device/file> none swap sw 0 0

which works of course but uses the undocumented/legacy? "sw" option.
Since the bug was already rejected I think it's pointless to provide a
PR that switches from "sw" to "defaults".


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