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Enabling salsa-CI on more installer-team repos


I've been working on making the salsa-CI pipeline[1] work well for
udebs, and now have it setup so that most udeb repos can have this
enabled by simply setting a configuration option[2], without needing to
touch the contents of the repository.

So far I've only done that to repos that I was working on anyway, using
that as an opportunity to make sure that the packages built and the
tests passed etc. but it's gone well in almost all cases recently, so
I'd like to roll it out more widely.

Enabling this on repos that are currently not configured to do CI is
pretty harmless, in that even if it doesn't work for a repo, it will be
no worse than the current state of not having CI running at all.

The most obvious user-visible change that would go along with this is
that people that push things to the repos will start to get emails about
the success/failure of the jobs as they run, which could amount to quite
a few emails in some cases.

Notifications about such things are something that one can tune in
gitlab, and one can use a different email address for notifications, so
they don't have to land in you inbox, or even be sent, as you prefer.

The other aspect of having CI running that's been visible is
IRC notifications to #debian-boot via KGB, which has been a bit of a
problem, because the default setup on quite a few of our repos was to
have job_event notifications selected.  This has been sitting quietly
waiting for anyone to be brave enough to add a debian/salsa-ci.yml file
to the repo. at which point every push generates a metric tonne of
drivel into the channel until someone (e.g. me ;-) ) turns it off.

This has now been fixed in a two-pronged attack:

  1) Ganneff has helpfully setup a new IRC channel where these messages
     can be sent: #di-ci

  2) Today I re-configure almost all installer-team repos to have 2 KGB
     configs, one for the normal push/merge/comment notifications, which
     still go to #debian-boot, the other sending pipeline_event messages
     (currently only success or failure messages) to #di-ci

So, the questions are:

  Is that sufficient to now permit me to enable CI for the rest of the
  installer-team repos?

  Would people prefer that was done in batches (say, 10 repos at a time)
  to see how it goes, or would you prefer to know that (pretty-much) all
  our repos will have CI enabled on them, awaiting your next push (so
  you don't need to configure it yourself)

BTW There are bound to be a few repos where the default setup doesn't
quite fit, and there needs to be a debian/salsa-ci.yml file with some
extra settings. Generally, that's things like disabling tests that were
not going to work for that repo for some reason, or telling it that the
build takes more than an hour (generally not a udeb issue).

Cheers, Phil.

[1] https://salsa.debian.org/salsa-ci-team/pipeline/
[2] Setting the 'CI/CD configuration file' option to:
    See:  https://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstaller/Salsa-CI
    and:  https://salsa.debian.org/installer-team/branch2repo/
|)|  Philip Hands  [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]  HANDS.COM Ltd.
|-|  http://www.hands.com/    http://ftp.uk.debian.org/
|(|  Hugo-Klemm-Strasse 34,   21075 Hamburg,    GERMANY

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