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Bug#824954: flash-kernel: GRUB? via U-Boot?

For a Raspberry PI, I've got the initial workings of a script to
accomplish this goal.

First, install u-boot-rpi, raspi-firmware, and grub-efi-arm64.

Next, create a filesystem on a device the Raspberry PI will boot from.
For anything pre-RP4, this will have to VFAT and show up in a MBR.  A
system I've done has a GPT with entry #3, which matches with entry #1 in
MBR.  The Raspberry PI will find this and boot from it, Linux will see it
as /dev/sda3.  Mount this filesystem on /boot/efi.

Do the following:

cp /usr/lib/raspi-firmware/* /boot/efi
# cp /usr/share/doc/raspi-firmware/copyright /boot/efi/LICENSE.broadcom

cp /usr/lib/u-boot/rpi_arm64/u-boot.bin /boot/efi/u-boot64.bin

cp /usr/lib/u-boot/rpi_3/u-boot.bin /boot/efi/u-boot3.bin
cp /usr/lib/u-boot/rpi_4/u-boot.bin /boot/efi/u-boot4.bin

cp /boot/dtbs/`uname -r`/broadcom/bcm2*-rpi*.dtb /boot/efi

grub-install --bootloader-id=BOOT
cp /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/grubaa64.efi /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/bootaa64.efi

echo bootaa64 > /boot/efi/startup.nsh

Now, I'm using SuSE as a starting point.  They copy a series of
device-tree overlays into /boot/efi/overlays.  These may come from the
Raspberry PI Foundation for optional hardware/configuration the RPF

Next would be to to create /boot/efi/config.txt.  I'm unsure of which
directives would be appropriate for Debian.  Debian would certainly need
to configure distinct "kernel=" lines depending upon which variant was
being booted.

This is rather badly damaged by bug #939633.  Until the device-trees are
fixed, this is completely broken.

Not ready for most people, but almost there...

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