Hello, i think if we add kab_DZ.UTF-8 locale in the locales-all package, The issue will be solved
Hi all,
Kabyle language just arrived in the installer - yeah. (a Berber language,
mostly spoken in Algeria, North-Africa).
Translation status is already 100% translated !!! (translations partly merged
from Ubuntu)
I have pushed a change for console-setup, to add a new keymap to the list:
Berber (Latin).
My local tests seemed to work fine here, rendering is good in the text-based
installer as well as in the graphical one.
However, now I realized that switching the keyboard works fine in graphical
installer, but not in the text-based installer:
although /etc/default/keyboard correctly has
the active keymap remains English.
I wonder what may cause this...
I have noticed that the used locale is "kab_DZ" - so no UTF-8!
(I chose Kabyle as language (kab) and Algeria as country (DZ).)
In fact, there is no kab_DZ.UTF-8 locale in the locales-all package.
I assume, that's where the list of locales in the installer is generated
Could this be the reason for the keymap switching problem? (UTF-8 required?)
Hint: some weeks ago, keymap switching was completely broken for some time
But I checked that this works again now, so that should be not the issue here.
Holger Wansing <hwansing@mailbox.org>
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