Bug#726137: Info received (DVD remains locked when requested to switch DVDs during Package Scan)
It also appears that every time it goes through a package install there is a mount message for the DVD Generated which requires a remount of the DVD media because it thinks the medisa CHANGED. This can add up to a lot of mount messages if you are doing a fresh install. The error happened during installations on two machines, with two different DVD Readers. After a remount it appears multiple packages are being loaded so I can only presume that there are multiple package requests being submitted behind one mount request.
-----Original Message-----
From: Debian Bug Tracking System <owner@bugs.debian.org>
Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2020 3:27 PM
To: Mike Stanton <mfstanton@geospan.com>
Subject: Bug#726137: Info received (DVD remains locked when requested to switch DVDs during Package Scan)
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