Bug#971606: installation-reports cubieboard 5
Control: tag -1 moreinfo
On Sat, Oct 03, 2020 at 12:17:51AM +0300, Валериан Пережигин wrote:
> Package: installation-reports
> Boot method: hd-media/sd-card-images + usb (fat32) with
> debian-cd debian-10.6.0-armhf-xfce-CD-1.iso.
> I was using uart (pl2303).
> Image version: https://mirror.yandex.ru/debian-cd/10.6.0/armhf/bt-cd/debian-10.6.0-armhf-xfce-CD-1.iso.torrent
> Date: 2020-10-01 20:12 MSK
> Machine: cubietech cubietrick plus (cubieboard 5)
> Processor: soc A83t (2GHz ?)
> Memory: 2GiB (DDR3 at 672MHz)
> Comments/Problems:
> No sdcard demonstrated, only usb and sata.
> No dp or hdmi.
> Installation to sata (manually prepared dos partitioning, just select filesystems) sucsessed.
> Installation of u-boot climed sucsess yet failed (system was not bootable).
> By main pc:
> 1. copyed boot partition (from sata) to sdcard.
> 2. installed by dd u-boot (from u-boot-sunxi_2020.10~rc5+dfsg-1_armhf.deb) to sdcard.
> 3. insertied sdcard to cb5.
> System worked.
"System worked" as: The installer came alive and showed behaviour as
seen at other installs ???
> But no video, no network, no sdcard.
> Uart work fine.
> Usb came up after long delay (with some errors).
> Kernel update yet again claim no errors, but bootloader is stil to be installed.
> I regret sdcard not showed up.
Please rerun the installer, find a shell, do `lsblk`
and pretty please report back.
Geert Stappers
Silence is hard to parse
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