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Bug#967963: installation failure: rockpro64

On 06/08/2020 03:04, Forest wrote:
I used the installer image from over a week ago, because d-i.debian.org has
no newer daily images.

That happens frequently, as when the kernel is updated in the archive the installer sources have to be manually updated to build for/with the new kernel. The old images are looking for the old kernel which no longer exists, so you get the installer-archive kernel mismatch error.

It's updated now, so the current daily builds should work.

Booting with my serial adapter set for 1500000 bps showed nothing but garbage.
Using 115200 bps instead showed several bootloader messages clearly, and then
nothing but garbage. Editing extlinux.conf to append console=ttyS2,115200n8
to the kernel command line and then setting my serial port to that speed made
kernel boot messages visible and allowed me operate the debian installer.

Can you check /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/chosen/stdout-path to see if it gives a reasonable serial configuration? AFAICT it should be "serial2:1500000n8", which should match what you'd normally set your serial adapter to.

Otherwise I don't really know what would be causing the garbled output. Maybe try pressing Ctrl-A then 0 (or 1, 2, etc) (screen key bindings to switch windows) to see if it refreshes into something usable?

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